Sunday Evening Smexy Trim [tag] LF BYOB'rs
sup guildwarsguru-
I recently decided to start a byob guild out of boredom and my lack of desire to actually play competitively. Me and a few friends decided to start up this guild to play on. We try to play around 5`PM CST but need a few more members to join up to make getting groups together easier. We'd also like to start doing byob during ATs but of course that requires 14 day members which we don't have yet.
A relaxed group of friends looking to have a good time while running random builds and confusing the shit out of really bad teams. We DO NOT care about rank/rating; meaning even if none of the usuals are on, we don't give a shit if you play and lose 500 rating.
People who take themselves too seriously
You and/or someone whose not uptight about little things and is willing to be active and participate in matches. We'd also like to have a lot of people guest for us. 4 of us and 4 of you makes 8 - which i think is the number you need to play this guild vs guild thing. Anyways, titles don't matter, just don't suck 100% balls and listen to what people say on vent. WE ARE ALSO LOOKING FOR AN ALLIANCE - preferably of other byob guilds or pvp guilds that would like to guest for us.
If you're interested in joining either send me a PM here or whisper me on one of my two accounts, Warsong Mercenary or Demonic Is Gosu.
WHOMI? I'm demonic mutherfckin elf - and Sunday Evening Smexy Trim needs YOU.